“Let him be strong; the gentle breeze brushes the mountain ridges.
Let him be fierce; the bright moon shines upon the great river.
Though winds may blow from east, west, south, or north,
I shall remain calm and composed,
Standing unshaken and resolute.”
1. 采用对仗工整的句式结构,保留原句的韵律感
2. “清风拂山岗”译为”gentle breeze brushes the mountain ridges”,既保留意象又体现轻柔的意境
3. “明月照大江”处理为”bright moon shines upon the great river”,通过”great river”强化江的壮阔感
4. “岿然不动”译为”standing unshaken and resolute”,双形容词强化坚定感
5. 末句采用现在分词结构,增强画面感和永恒性
6. 整体保留了中国古典哲学中”以柔克刚”的智慧精髓